The Chalybeate

Monday, 30 March 2009

Cock-ups at Cock-crow

Tommo started a new job this morning, for which he needed to meet a new colleague at 5am at Gordano service station on the M5.

Unfortunately, neither he nor I had changed the clocks on our our alarms woke us an hour late. Rush, rush. We arrived there at about twenty-five past. I'm amazed how quickly it's possible to drive there in the small hours of the morning with no other traffic around. We were both rather wound up by the experience. I hope that he gets on OK and recovers his equilibrium after such a rushed start.


Then, taking a cup of tea before returning to bed for a couple of hours, I stood outside in the garden as the first light dimmed the stars. The birdsong was fantastic, coming from so many directions at once, so many individual songs being identifiable from so many gardens. It was one of those stunning minutes of solitude that make you appreciate nature to the full.




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