The Chalybeate

Monday, 19 February 2007

Slowing down

Perhaps my brain is slowing down. Perhaps the stories about older people taking longer to learn, are true. I don't notice it so much in "normal" life, where the need to learn is not that great, but I do notice the slowdown in recreational activity.

An example is in my ability to learn languages. When I was younger, I seemed to acquire phrases & words in new languages by magic. I can still remember phrases in Urdu and Turkish that I haven't needed for twenty years; but in the last three or four years, I haven't picked up more than a word of Magyar or Swahili, and my French hasn't improved, either.

Though, I guess that needs might be a factor. When we travelled in our youth, we were travelling cheaper, and in the days before mass tourism to the more remote areas. Speaking English was not always an option. It's interesting that I can't remember many Greek words, because even then the alternative, "hippy" resorts had well-developed facilities for foreigners so we didn't need to learn.

And then there's driving. I've been a salesman for almost twenty-five years, and my driving ability has changed. I don't always know exactly where I am anymore, and I notice that I make mistakes. Now, that may be becaause I am more mature and more self-critical because of my experience, or it may because my mind is less sharp, and I observe less.

I'm desperate to kick-start some worthwhile intellectual activity again. Doing my Master's in my forties was wonderful; the best and most intensive intellectual challenge of my life, and I'd love to repeat it. A PhD ? I need an external driver to make me work, self-imposition won't work with me. A totally new type of job might be worth going for, but getting a new start ot my age could be a challenge. Let's keep my mind open, and hope that I'm wrong about slowing down...........


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