The Chalybeate

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Au revoir chômage

Being a chômeur sounds so much more romantic that being on the dole, le chômage more productive and - somehow - more interesting than being unemployed. And, frankly, I've quite enjoyed it. Moonface likes my more relaxed nature, likes the way her life is smoothed by my being around more. And a French friend who hadn't seen me for more than a year, said that I looked younger than she remembered me. It must be the stresslessness. Yes.

And now, it's coming to an end. But, I hope, (and here I touch wood) in a perfect fashion - a part-time but stimulating and possibly professional job. It will give me the chance to work from home some of the time, to do a little travelling, to maintain my biological knowledge, and will give me the reason to pick up a couple of words of a new language. So let's hope for the best, plan for the worst, and work as needed and not much more.


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