The Chalybeate

Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Moonface is feeling rather fragile, these days, since her mother is so seriously ill. And the weather's been rotten, so she con't get outside as much as she'd like, and I'm not looking after her because I'm working, and we have spent the last three weekends apart.

We went for a stroll this evening, as we frequently do, just to talk and stretch our legs. On the return leg, she decided that she wanted some fish and chips. It's been years since we had any; I don't know why, but we rarely seem to buy take-away food these days. We bought cod and chips, then sat on someone's garden wall to eat them out of the paper,just like we did when teenagers, sharing the chips and breaking bits of battered fish to eat with our fingers.

It felt very romantic and, for some reason, quite naughty but very relaxing.



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