The Chalybeate

Tuesday, 22 January 2008


I don't think that I lose friends easily. I hope that overall I'm well-liked enough and sensitive enough to avoid offence, with personal skills that keep me supplied with company when I want it.

Yes, sometimes I piss people off. I can be indiscreet and blunt. But it's rare that people I know make a point of cutting me off completely. I can think of a trio of examples, no more; one based upon a misunderstanding that I could see happening but was in no position to correct. Usually, friends fade away through a divergence, a mutual lack of interests in common as we grow older and in different directions. That I can cope with.

But in the last few months I have been dumped as a friend by someone whom I cared for, whom I liked greatly. It hurts. I don't know quite how or why it happened, but it now seems irrideemable and I know that it'll take a while for me to recover completely. I tried to keep in touch, but I guess I screwed up. Damn.




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