The Chalybeate

Sunday 19 September 2010


Last night marked the end of summer.

Moonface and I went for a light meal with Neil, then on to a musical evening / Dave's 4oth birthday party at the Folkhouse. I wore jeans for the first time since the end of May, when the weather warmed up. Since then I haven't worn long trousers except when I've been in a suit or away on business. I've no idea why I prefer shorts or cut-offs: they just seem more practical and more comfortable to me. It must by my hardy upbringing, since my parents have film of me as a boy wearing regulation school shorts in the snow.

It were grim up North.

The evening bash itself was fun but rather restrained. Although Ro & Cedar played bouncing music that I'd have liked to dance to, the arrangement of chairs and tables meant that the atmosphere just wasn't right. It seemed more like a polite concert rather than a gig so Moonface & I walked home before the last band played. The birthday cakes were excellent, though. Thank you, Sophie's mum.


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