The Chalybeate

Thursday, 24 January 2008


I've written before that I'm not superstitious, but as man the pattern-matching animal I notice coincidences; the rational part of me ascribes them to just that, but the irrational part of my mind wonders if there could be something more even while knowing that just thinking so is stupid.

I've found a few four-leaf clovers in my life, most of which I have picked and lost. Why did I pick them? It's the irrational part coming out to take temporary control. A few years ago I brought a leaf carefully home, dried it and placed it between two sheets of glass in a small picture frame then lost that somewhere in the boxes and books of my office shelving.

Several days ago, while sifting through some old documents I found the clover-leaf in its frame, and put it out on display. Did it bring luck? I don't know, but since then a couple of good things have happened. Straight away, the French Wench wrote in her blog that she couldn't stand me, and asked for a complete cessation of amities. It was hurtful, but better than the sulks, and after an unpleasant couple of emails and a weekend, we have stopped communicating. Now I know where we stand. God, that's a relief. I guess it's a relief for Moonface, too.

Then, yesterday, we sold the Saab. I felt rather sorry for it recently, if one can feel sorry for an inanimate object. Well, I felt sorry precisely because it was inanimate rather than animate, in that we just weren't using the car at all. I'm not driving long distances much these days, and we have the van for going away. As a two-person family since the kids have left home, there's no justification for keeping three vehicles. So we sold the Saab, and I'm sure that it will be better for the regular use. And as we have to keep the cars on the street, it was just more congestion for the neighbours. We were pleased to get rid of it before it needed too much in the way of repairs to maintain it, and we knew that there was a good bit of spending which should have been done.

Life moves on.




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