The Chalybeate

Saturday 6 June 2009

Ooh - a New Computer!

Since Moonface's laptop was stolen from her luggage on her trip overseas, we needed to replace it. She reckons that if she can get the receipt for a new one in with her expenses,it might be the easiest way of ensuring that the College (which insisted that she take one) would pay for the replacement.

So, on Saturday, we dashed out in the morning to that vile hive of consumer worship, the Mall, and bought the little netbook upon which I am typing this. It's the first proper typing I've done with the new machine, and it seems fine, possibly better to type upon than my large Dell.

So, what have we bought? It's small, it's a Samsung NC10, it seems to do everything that we will want include connecting to the web - so it looks good so far. And it fits into Moonface's handbag so she can take it to work for use when she's hiding outside her office to ensure that she can get some work done without interruption. And it was not too expensive, either, so that if the expenses claim is rejected, we won't be faced with a horrendous bill.




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