The Chalybeate

Tuesday 24 November 2009


I idly Googled someone's name today, the friend of a friend. I was thoroughly told off for doing so, as it was none of my business, I didn't personally know the person whose name I searched upon, and I foolishly let my own chum know that I done so. It was amazingly easy to find some basic information in a minute or so, however. Sorry, D, but he had admitted lying.

Chastened, I Googled myself for the first time in a year of so, and was quite shocked. I'm there on the internet, with a hundred or so real results and half my professional life visible. I seem to have written a fair number of comments to (mainly technical) blogs and a few letters to newspapers; this all on top of my holding website, my current employer and the presentation I made in France last year. There are no videos, however, which is just as well.

So much for anonymity.
Still, with any luck it may help me find a new job more easily. (If in fact one is needed)




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