The Chalybeate

Sunday 26 July 2009


I feel a deep calm this evening: I've been fettling the bike.
To be precise, I've changed the forks on the Niota, a process which wasn't quite as straightforward as it could have been, because it required me to change the headset as well, which involved some thumping with hammers as well as delicate spanner-work, but it all worked well in the end.

The concentration needed to do mechanics is bliss for me, I feel relaxed afterwards and peaceful. I've realised in recent months that i haven't being doing enough of it, in spite of having a battery of parts with which I could construct a couple of new bikes, if I put my mind to it.

On, and this morning I took the singlespeed out for a pootle, but I met Simon & mates just when I was about to return home, so my ride was extended by another hour. So I'm physically tired and mentally relaxed - is there a better state to be in, on a Sunday evening?



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