The Chalybeate

Friday, 12 May 2006

Bad moods

Bad moods are infectious. I have been optimistic and cheerful most of the day, then I had two difficult conversations. One was with a potential customer who was careful not to tell me anything, and the other was an IM chat with a pissed-off friend. She was curt and uncommunicative and a little bit rude, which annoyed me. So now I'm pissed off too, in a sulk. And instead of being out in the sunshine, I'm indoors writing this. GRRRR. [And I'm probably in the wrong with her. I ask too many questions. I'm trying to play poor-man's psychiatrist. I'm being a fool] . And this mood communicatied itself to Moonface, who got in a bad mood too.

Consequently, when I tried to fix flat type on the bike, it didn't work: my karma is all wrong. Yet unless I fix the flat I won't be able to return to a good mood, because I need a ride on the bike.

The answer is clear: a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Envoi: Or it could have been the weather. Ten minutes after typing the above, thunder rumbled, the sky darkened to graphite, heavy rain started before turning to hail, and this attic room became full of noise. After grilled mackerel and vegetables, I feel much much better.


  • You're too sensitive, sweetie! It's a question of context. Distance is difficult and IM is the worst communication mean. It seems to kill the distance whereas it still exists. It's depressing yet interesting to see how a detail can ruin so many people's day! Bisous !

    By Blogger Kaa, at 15/5/06 15:17  

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