The Chalybeate

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Nameless Dread

I awoke at around four in the morning, I suppose, fearful and sweating. I had no idea of what I was scared of, but there was a felling that something awful was about to happen. Then, I couldn't sleep. I tried to relax, but my mind whirled into unlikely futures, positing unpleasantries about to happen to my family or myself, so I remained uneasily awake.

More than anything, I wondered about the effects of climate change and how this would hit us. I guess this was the result of a visit to the farm yesterday, discussing with my in-laws about the effect the weather had on their crops and animals this year, and realising what a thin line separates our Western consumer society from a nothing-to-consume society.

And , I suppose that there are many other things preying on my mind at the moment. September is rarely a happy month, and this year seems to be more stressful than most.

So eventually, as dawn broke and the curtains let in a grey steely light, I dozed off for another hour or so.



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