The Chalybeate

Thursday, 19 January 2012


I've lived in this house for thirty years, so I can feel my way around it in the dark, knowing exactly where I am. I've had to do so when sneaking in after a late night, leaving very early in the morning before dawn for work or (more likely) getting up for a pee. Or rather, I used to be able to find my way around in the dark. Over the last three months I've had at least four painful mis-steps when walking around with my eyes closed. Twice I've miscounted the number of stairs so that I've stumbled down the last one, crashing & crushing onto my feet. Twice I've stubbed my toe on the bedfoot, and two nights ago I kicked a chair very hard. It hurt.

As a result, my toenails are a complete mess, variously chipped, bruised and broken. One big-toe nail is so split that I've had to use varnish on it. At least that disguises the purple-black bloody stains underneath. I don't really care about their appearance, as they still work. Moonface doesn't like the way they look, but then she's always thought that I've got ugly feet.

On the plus side, this morning as I was filing the nail-splinters down to stop my socks from ripping, I managed to touch my left toes to my forehead. I haven't tried that for years!




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