Urban 2
Our stroll to the docks first took us past one of our local pubs, one that we have more-or-less given up on going to, as it's become too noisy and popular for us; we seem to prefer a quiet drink and a talk rather than the loud atmosphere which pervades so many locals now. But they are popular with people younger than us, so they must be doing something right. The one I'm thinking of, the Prince of Wales, used to be a "normal" pub, with nicotine- stained ceilings and sticky carpets when we were regulars. Now it's got slate floors, serves food, has piped music just too loud for us, and is full.
The exterior has been painted, too:

We strolled over Cotham, past the University and down Park Street, where Bob Antell and some other artists were showing their works at Bristol Guild. Bob was manning the stand, so we talked for some time while before looking at his an other works. As I wrote before, I do like his art for its simplicity and accessibility. The themes are mostly very domestic: allotments and beach holidays. I think that this makes them all the better for this local market, as his foreign scenes (India, the south of France) just aren't as relevant to his audience's lives. HIs nudes aren't bad, either.

We have sort-of promised ourselves that when Moonface receives her first salary cheque from her new job, we'll buy a print of his as a commemoration. We'll see how it goes.