On Saturday Moonface & I went for a walk in the Mendip hills, about 30km south of here.
The wind was strong and there was snow upon the bare tops, so it was freezing cold but so, so beautiful. We walked through history: from the pits and hollws on the site of ancient lead and silver mines that were used by the Romans & only closed in 1908, past Bronze Age burial mounds 5000 years old and through a village that was founded as an escape from the Black Death in 1308, then into the Ebbor Gorge where Ice Age /Palaeolithic remains of man and animals were found.
And all in 13km.
We were exhausted afterwards, as the powerful winds and the sub-zero temperature had made the relatively short distance much harder work than usual.
We have neglected that end of the Mendips until now. We've walked many times from Burrington, anly a few miles away, but never from here before.